Let's keep kids

My resilience-building strategies will help your students manage emotions,
solve social problems, and give them the strength to endure.


How can we work together?


In-person & live stream assemblies for your students

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Solutions for your family & coaching for your kids

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Training for your staff and classroom curriculum

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Games, challenges, and exercises for your clients.

Hey there!

I'm Brooks Gibbs

Growing up, I was as weak as water. Hyper-sensitive to the mean words and actions of others. If I knew then what I know now, my childhood would have been much happier. My life mission is to help children develop the emotional resilience needed to enjoy life and endure hardships.

25 years ago, Jill (my wife) booked my first school assembly. That event changed the trajectory of my life. Since then, she has continued to manage my schedule, booking over 3,000 events throughout North America.

She also was the one to encourage me to post social media videos of my work. As a result, I've amassed hundreds of millions of views. Parents and educators all over the world have told us how useful my training videos are. That's incredibly gratifying for us. 

We look forward to working with you to empower the kids that you love.

"I've spent 41 years in education. Brooks was the best speaker with the best message I've ever heard"

- Dr. R. Delbario (Columbus, IN)

"We use his videos every year in the classroom. The kids understand the message and love his stories."

- S. Thompson (Houston, TX)

"You have made a huge difference in the way my daughters handle bullies. No more tears!"

- M. Edwards (mom)
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