About Brooks

Brooks Gibbs is an award-winning social skills educator. He is a popular youth speaker who's presented 2,500 speeches. His viral videos have been translated into 20 languages and amassed more than 200 million views. He specializes in teaching youth how to be emotionally resilient and inspires them to live by the Golden Rule.

Approach To Aggression

Brooks teaches students two basic principles:

  • Don’t get upset (Emotional Resilience)
  • Treat them like a friend (The Golden Rule)

Most youth aggression is non-criminal and consists of name calling, social exclusion, rumors, etc. These behaviors are inevitable between siblings at home and peers at school. Despite the pettiness of these behaviors, they can do tremendous emotional harm to a student. Brooks teaches students how to protect their emotions from the effects of these behaviors through emotional resilience.

He also communicates the genius of The Golden Rule. This social instruction teaches students how to make friends and also manage their perceived enemies. The Golden Rule takes advantage of the law of reciprocity, and as students learn to treat others as friends, this positive behavior becomes the social norm.

His 45-50 minute high-energy keynote is full of excellent information and can be applied to any non-criminal aggression at home, on campus, or online. Brooks, of course, encourages students to seek adult intervention when they feel like they are in danger or cannot handle the aggression on their own.


Frequently Asked Questions

Will Brooks give me advice?
Yes I will. I answer all questions from members of the Raise Them Strong community. Please purchase that program and let's interact.

Can I use, edit, post one of Brooks's videos on my own online platform?
Yes, permission granted with attribution.

Will Brooks travel internationally?
No. I've made a commitment to my family not to be gone more than two nights a week.  Therefore, those who are outside of the Continental USA can use my video training to present to their audience, book a virtual assembly (via SKYPE), or just re-teach whatever they hear me say! The message is far more important than the messenger. 

How much does Brooks charge for speaking?
I try to keep my speaking fees very reasonable. Also, the fact that I can speak multiple times in one day allows you to partner with other schools that will share in the cost. Please get in touch with us so we can price out your event.

Is Brooks a religious speaker?
I'm a professional social skills educator and soon-to-be sociologist that happens to be a Christian.

99% of the audiences I speak to are public schools or student leadership organizations. I do not teach the Bible or share my faith at these events. In all of the 2,500+ stages I have spoken on, I have never once been accused of crossing the church/state boundaries. Any fear that I would proselytize my faith at a non-religious event is silly.

With that said, if I am being interviewed by a religious media platform or speaking at a religious event, I will gladly share my faith when appropriate.

Does Brooks do media interviews?
Yes, I think media is the best platform of all and will most likely accommodate your request.


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